This fresh re-telling of the Bible is most compelling. Very different from other New Testaments, the New New Testament is the work of a simple believer who was asked by Jesus to rewrite this as he wants it to be today. It is obviously hard for us to believe that “everything is possible with God.” (Mark 10, 27). Your first impression will probably be – as the publisher’s was – “This is not real.” Virtually everybody has reservations at the beginning. That is because this whole concept is tough to accede to. The first, obvious question is, “Could Jesus do this if he wanted to?” Many – perhaps most – would answer YES to that question.
The next question would then be, “Could this be it?” There is only one way for you to know that: read a few random selections. You will know.And then you will be transformed. Jesus’ teachings here may well beautifully change Christianity, other religions, and today's world. So very many are intellectually, spiritually, and even physically moved like no other book – even its New Testament predecessor.
To see a 30 sec. video trailer on the New New Testament, click here.
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What the story of Jesus would have been if Jesus had been a woman named Jesua …
because gender is irrelevant to the message.
If this is somewhat shocking to you at first. That is alright. Take a minute to get used to it.
Jesus as the woman Jesua is acceptable today, because women have finally come into their own. I would like to suggest that you read some selections of your choosing first and see what you think. Read it, you will know.
This book, SHE The Messiah, is based upon the New New Testament – fresh from the re-telling by Jesus and the Original Authors. The emphasis – nothing new here – is stunning, and – when you read it – you will know it is truly from Jesus.
To get it on Amazon for $2.99 (eBook), $15.95 (paperback), and $24.95 (hardback), click here. Or get it wherever else eBooks are sold online by clicking here.
Fresh and exhilarating insights about a subject we thought had been talked about, sung about and written about to death. No syrupy or whiney groaning or panting about the wispiness of love – but rather a feet-on-the-ground, fast-moving rolling back of the curtain, to reveal the incredible complexity and beauty of humanity’s most telling characteristic. This short book is one long “ah-hah!” On their own, virtually everybody comes up with the same exclamation as they finish the book: “That’s what I believe … I just never heard it said that way before.”
These amazingly insightful words bring out the deepest insights of every philosophy, every theology, every religion, every culture and time. And then enhanced by strikingly beautiful photographs that turn every concept into high-definition visual osmosis to the heart and the mind. Here is a beautiful book that will leave you with a new appreciation and understanding of loving and being loved: how communicable it is, how illuminating to our lives, how transformative of the ordinary into the extraordinary. The author and the photographer take the reader on an easy mind-stretching journey into our deepest and best selves … and end up with a changed reader. You just can’t understand the beauty of this reality without being moved to a new appreciation of life – life and the opportunity we have at our fingertips to love and to be loved.
To get this on Amazon eBook ($2.99)or paperback ($19.87), click here. Or to get this on Audible audiobooks for $3.95, click here.
... based on Michael Newton’s 7,000 Hypnotic regressions of subjects to where we really live. Amazing.
We all come here to this earthly existence to be challenged, to see to what extent we can change our minds, broaden our perspective, see new realities, and be open to the world and to God/Divinity/Loving Consciousness/All-Loving Awareness or whatever name you might call this mystery. Something has to present us with CHALLENGES so that we, our life forces, or what others might call our souls, can develop and grow. This is the place. We will always have challenges here; we need to face them if we are to grow and develop emotionally and/or spiritually. Change produces challenges. Yet, that is exactly what many individuals of all ages fight: change. They are uncomfortable when something changes. Un-comfortability is the groundwork for growth.
This book will help you understand your life’s purpose and why things happen to you – so that you can then more happily get the most from your life … make it really worthwhile, and make what possibly used to be a confounding task, now a joyful experience.
Get it on Amazon for $2.99 (eBook), $12.95 (paperback), and $24.95 (hardback) by clicking here, or wherever eBooks are sold online by clicking here.
The discovery of near-death Experiences
Did you ever wonder why so many people want to go to some place they know absolutely nothing about? Or … did you ever wonder if you are going to live on after you die, if there is something called eternal life? If there is, what is it? We know that all the most profound, important facets of our life are all un-provable: who you love and why you don’t love somebody else. Why you like the kind of work you like, and not the work someone else gets a thrill out of. Why you enjoy certain enjoyments that other people find boring. Why you value truth, and not lies. Why you value love, and not fear and chaos. None of these things are provable, but they are the most telling of human characteristics. And so we come to something that – throughout the ages – has remained a mystery. But now we know. We have come to that time when eternity – heaven – has suddenly burst through. Now we know.
This book will be part of your eternal truth from now on. This book will give you a reason for joy. It will open you up to your purpose, and your growth through difficulty. It will explain the reason for pain and anguish … and joy. And it will set you on a trajectory for a changed and beautiful life.
Get it on Amazon for $4.99 (eBook) and $12.97 (paperback) by clicking here.
Every one of us is climbing
the same spectacular mountain.
Up there it is bright and sunny,
with beautiful vistas.
Clarity, beauty and seasoned transformation.
Climbing a mountain is more difficult
than a walk in the yard.
It does have its obstacles,
outmatched by its rewards.
Some of us walk
on the shadow side of the mountain,
and some of us walk on the sunny side.
Change your perspective; change your life.
On the sunny side there are the same obstacles,
but you can see them more clearly
and navigate them more easily
and smile more readily.
Change your perspective; change your life.
Get this book on Amazon for $5.98 (eBook) and $14.95 (paperback) by clicking here.
Understanding what is meant by "God" is like facing a tsunami of ideas, dogmas, insights, decrees, levels of voodoo, and piles of debris that have washed down over the millennia. Modern people rightfully are less and less willing to accept the idea of an Entity in the Sky that sends down messages to Special People, who then tell the rest of us what they know "God" wants, and we had better listen to what they say, or that Entity in the Sky will whack us). Since the time of Aristotle, when philosophy and science were the same study, thinkers have searched for the binding element of the universe, which Aristotle termed the "ether." Scientists and philosophers could never figure out what that was until just a couple of centuries ago when chemists first told us that the binding element of the universe is consciousness. Then the quantum physicists agreed, saying that is how the Theory of Relativity can work. Virtually all contemporary thinkers now understand that the binding element of the universe - that which holds it all together - is indeed consciousness. There is no PROOF that consciousness is loving ... but it IS our universal human experience, across all time and all geography. Nothing matters quite so much to us human beings as love. Now we are getting somewhere! This book puts the marvelous insights of science - which usually, at least initially, elicit loud protestations from Professional Religionists - into crisp and enlightening words and concepts for a wide array of people to grasp, and at which they can marvel. Even if science can now state that the universe in and of itself does not call for the existence of a "creator," we find new doors of understanding about "God" are the great result.
Get it on Amazon in eBook ($2.99) and paperback ($5.99 by clicking here.
environment for our customers.
If you ever thought that being a slave in the ancient Roman Empire was a tough life, if you have been shocked at slavery in America before the Civil War, if you have been horrified by the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia or the mercenaries who ravage people who are not of their caste in Syria or Uganda, if you ever thought LGBT individuals had been given the societal shaft, or any of the other historical downtrodden people – then you will be shocked to find out how the Christian Church has thought of, and treated, women.
Few groups ever had it worse.
Get it on Amazon for $2.99 (eBook) by clicking here.
Fascinating stories of the people who created this country
The River That Is America is a summation of decades of boat trips on the Potomac River. Jim has stopped at just about every creek and commercial facility on the tidal part of this river over the years and listened to the great stories from the early days of America down to today. It begins at Chain Bridge, where narrow, deep water churns as it begins to make its way past the Nation’s Capitol, and it ends at the mouth of the Potomac at the Chesapeake Bay – a great, wild display of just about every kind of water experience possible.
Join Jim Burch as he travels down the great Potomac River, to discover the roots of our nation and so many of those extravagant realities about the hard-working river people who created this nation along its first commercial spine. This is truly the river that is America.
Get it on Amazon for $8.99 (eBook), $39.95 (paperback), and $49.95 (hardback) by clicking here.
… all with basically the same message but addressed to specific audiences by need. Death is such a powerful intrusion for those left behind that it is important that each person feeling this loss have the subject addressed directly to him or her in the specific way it is felt. In grief, mere spoken or written words can seem insignificant. You know the sun will shine again, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. Shock continues to hit you in the most unsuspecting times, for even a few stunning seconds, like a bucket of ice water thrown from behind – transporting you away from all the things you do to try to stay “normal.” Yet, every now and then, we each get an invitation to look at life from a unique and different perspective – to see the Big Picture. Your loved one has given you such a gift now. You are offered a chance to get drenched in the light of brilliant insight. It is one of the grandest gifts you will ever get.
A simple, little, quick book that covers all the bases to help you build a base for a healthy, blessed, and joyful marriage. This book takes you through five self-reflective steps that two spouses read, talk about, then mentally massage before they go on to the next subject. Plus an over-all perspective for bringing success to your marriage.
Get this small but potent eBook on Amazon for $2.99. Click here.
Jim Burch presents here all the things he has seen go right and go wrong in 3,000+ wedding ceremonies he has officiated, and he gives you easy observations and easy things for you to do in your own wedding ceremony that will make it beautiful. If you do these simple things, you wedding will not fall into any of the usual traps or pitfalls. To know these 13 things is to acknowledge that they should be done, are easy to do once you know what they are, and are easy to do or to avoid. You will not have seen these put together in one place like they are here. Take them. Use them. Have a BEAUTIFUL wedding ceremony!
Get this small but potent eBook on Amazon for $2.99. Click here.
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Has someone, a family member or a friend, asked YOU to officiate their wedding ceremony? It is being done more and more these days. You, of course, have never done anything like this, and your starting point is a pure blank slate. Where do you ever find out what to do? It can't be easy, can it? Well ... yes, it can be ... IF you follow this easy step-by-step process. It has been written expressly for you by Jim Burch. Jim is regarded as one of the best officiants in the USA and has officiated over 3,000 weddings. He has more 5-star reviews than anybody he has seen on Internet wedding sites. Here you will find not only suggestions to that will turn you into a star in your role, but there are also templates for you and your couple to use for just about any kind of wedding. You don't have to go to a thousand places and piece together a ceremony text. It is all done for you and improved over 3,000 times.
Get this potent eBook on Amazon for $2.99 by Clicking here.